职称:特聘教授 研究方向:绿色低碳转型,能源环境经济综合评估,能源经济,电力能源配置,水资源经济学,政策分析 联系方式:gaolu@usc.edu.cn |

近年来专注于能源环境与气候政策分析领域,围绕绿色低碳转型与可持续发展目标关联机制等重要议题进行理论与应用研究探索。针对气候变化下可持续发展的低碳电力能源系统供需两端能源配置和水资源配置,开发和构建了适用于国家、地区及全球多个层面政策分析的能源-环境-经济系统综合评价模型,使能源配置实现科学、合理、妥当,尽可能提高有限资源的利用效率,为国家和地区相关机构制定能源和气候政策提供决策支持工具,为实现 “碳达峰”“碳中和”目标做出了积极重要贡献。目前,已在领域内取得了一些高水平学术成果,以第一作者兼独立通讯作者在《Renewable Energy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Science of the Total Environment》等国内外行业知名期刊发表多篇高水平文章。在日本期间多次参与日本科学技术振兴机构、日本环境省的国际级重点项目等。现主持湖南省教育厅重点项目以及湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会项目。
1. 湖湘青年英才, 省级人才项目, 2022/10-2025/12,在研,主持
2. 湖南省教育厅重点项目,22A0283, “双碳”目标下湖南省能源供需平衡模型构建与优化研究, 2023/1-2025/12,在研,主持
3. 湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会课题,XSP2023JJC032,双碳目标下分布式能源互联网优化保障湖南能源安全对策研究,2023/01–2025/12,在研,主持
4. 太阳集团tyc官网入口博士科研启动基金项目,220XQD065,“双碳”目标下多区域能源供需平衡模型构建与优化研究,2021/12-2026/11,在研,主持
5. 环境研究综合推进费,2022BA006, 地域资源及产业联合下构建地域循环生态圈及其社会经济效果综合评价研究,2020/04-2022/03,1.3亿日元,已结题,参与
6. 环境研究综合推进费,1719BA012,基于低碳社会转型的资源和能源利用分析模型开发,2017/04-2019/03,1.2亿日元,已结题,参与
7. 日本科学技术振兴机构战略研究推进CREST项目,世界水资源可持续利用模型开发,2009/04-2014/12,1.3亿日元,已结题,参与
1. Willingness-to-pay promoted renewable energy diffusion: The case of Japan's electricity market [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 330. (第一作者兼独立通讯作者,SCI,中科院一区,Top Journal)
2. Promoting renewable energy through willingness to pay for transition to a low carbon society in Japan [J].Renewable Energy,2020,162:818-830 (第一作者兼独立通讯作者,SCI,中科院一区,Top Journal)
3. A novel method for acquiring rigorous temperature response functions for electricity demand at a regional scale, Science of The Total Environment, 2022,819: 152893. (SCI,中科院一区,Top Journal)
4. An Economic Assessment of the Global Potential for Seawater Desalination to 2050 [J]. Water, 2017, 9(10): 763. (第一作者兼独立通讯作者,SCI)
5. The evaluation of water use efficiency based on economic perspective in China for the period 1999-2011 [J]. Journal of Japan Society of civil Engineers, 2015, 71(4): 145-150. (第一作者兼独立通讯作者)
1. Impacts assessment of willingness to pay on the installed and transmission capacities of renewable energy resources in Japan, 1st IAEE Online Conference, 2021
2. Toward a low carbon society in Japan: analysis of the effects of the willingness to pay on renewable energy penetration in power sector, 5th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia 5th NIES International Forum, Myanmar, 2020
3. Assessment of the impacts of willingness to pay on diffusion of renewable energy resources in Japan, 42nd Annual IAEE International Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2019
4. Analysis of impacts of the willingness to pay on renewable energy penetration in power sector in Japan, Proceedings of 47th Annual Meeting of Environmental Systems Research, Japan, 2019
5. Improvement of the renewable energy penetration in power sector of Japan by willingness to pay, the 25th AIM international workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, 2019
6. Impacts of public acceptance and willingness to pay on achieving target of renewable energy resources in Japan, Proceedings of 46th Annual Meeting of Environmental Systems Research, Japan, 2018
7. Towards a low carbon and sustainable society in Japan: Impacts of willingness to pay on renewable energy policy planning, AGU Fall meeting, Washington, U.S.A., 2018
8. Impacts of public acceptance and willingness to pay on achieving target of renewable energy resources in Japan, The 24nd AIM international workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, 2018
9. The Economic Feasibility of Seawater Desalination over the Global Scale—Assessment of the Production Cost Development and National Water Price Until 2050, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A., 2016
10. Economic Feasibility Evaluation of Water Increasing Adaptations by Using Cost and Benefit Analysis: A Case Study of Seawater Desalination on a Global Scale until 2050, Annual meeting of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Fukushima, Japan, 2016
11. Optimizing the integrated efficiency for water resource utilization: based on Economic perspective, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A., 2016
12. Optimizing the integrated efficiency for water resource utilization: based on Economic perspective, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A., 2014
13. A study on the perceptions of drinking water quality and risk in Shenyang, China, The 4th IWA Young Water Professional Conference, Japan, 2012